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    Create Pre-Entry Form Fields For Your Contest

    When you’re running a contest on ViralKit, it’s essential to gather the right information from your participants while providing a seamless and enjoyable entry experience. Setting up pre-entry form fields effectively is a crucial part of this process. This documentation will guide you through the various form fields available for customization, including mandatory fields, optional fields, social login integrations, and email verification features.

    Mandatory Fields

    Every contest entry form on ViralKit requires two essential pieces of information:

    • Full Name: Captures the participant’s complete legal name for identification purposes.
    • Email: Ensures a valid point of contact for communications regarding the contest.

    These fields are the cornerstone of your contest’s entry data, helping you to maintain a line of communication with participants and to identify winners.

    Social Logins

    To streamline the entry process further, ViralKit offers the option to integrate social logins. Here’s what you need to know:

    Available Social Logins: The platform allows participants to sign in using various social media accounts, which can include:

    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Twitter X
    • LinkedIn
    • Twitch
    • Telegram
    • Reddit
    • Discord
    • Tumblr

    Require Social Login: You can choose to make social logins a requirement for your contest. When required, it hides all other custom pre-entry form fields until the participant completes the social login, creating a smoother entry process.

    Custom Form Fields

    Beyond the basic name and email, you can collect additional data from your participants through various customizable form fields:

    • Address: For mailing items or demographic data.
    • Address Line 2: Additional address details.
    • Age Requirement: To verify participant’s age.
    • Agree to Rules: Checkbox for agreement to contest terms.
    • Checkbox: For various opt-in options or agreements.
    • City: Participant’s city for regional targeting.
    • Country: Country information for eligibility and logistics.
    • Dropdown: Predefined answers for clean data collection.
    • Newsletter: Opt-in for email newsletters.
    • Phone: Contact number for direct communication.
    • Postal Code: For sorting or shipping logistics.
    • Radio: For single-choice questions.
    • Secret Code: For special access or promotions.
    • SMS Opt-in: Consent for text message communication.
    • State: State or province for regional data.
    • TextArea: For longer text entries.
    • TextField: For short text responses.

    Verification Emails

    The integrity of your contest relies on accurate participant data:

    • 6-Digit Code: A verification email with a unique code is sent to the participant to confirm the validity of their email address.
    • Anti-Fraud: This step helps to deter fraudulent entries by ensuring each email is valid and accessible by the entrant.

    Welcome Emails

    Enhance the contest experience right from the start:

    • Customized Greetings: Send a personalized welcome email to new entrants, making a strong first impression.
    • Further Engagement: Use this opportunity to provide additional contest details, promote engagement, and build excitement.


    By carefully setting up your pre-entry form fields and utilizing the email features provided by ViralKit, you can create a tailored and efficient registration process. This not only ensures a smooth participant experience but also enhances the quality and security of your contest entry data.
