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    Security Settings on your ViralKit Contest

    Effective security settings are paramount to maintain the integrity of any contest. provides a robust set of tools designed to help you prevent fraudulent entries and ensure a fair competition. The following documentation will guide you through configuring these settings for your contest.


    Under Customize your security settings, you can define the strictness of the rules that apply to participant entries, allowing you to minimize cheating and duplication. This section explains how to configure each setting to balance between open participation and contest integrity.

    Accessing Security Settings

    1. Log in to your account.
    2. Navigate to your contest dashboard.
    3. Select the contest you wish to manage.
    4. Locate and click on the Security Settings button to begin customizing your preferences.

    Configuring How Many Entries Are Allowed Per User

    • Allow More Than 1 Entry per User: You can decide whether to allow participants to enter the contest more than once.
    • How Many Entries are Allowed per User: Set a limit on the number of entries per user to control repeated submissions. If you only want to allow one entry per person, enter “1” in this field.

    Adjusting Security Levels

    • Security Level: The security level setting determines the strictness of the checks in place.
    • Higher = More Strict: By increasing the security level, ViralKit will employ more stringent measures to detect and block potential cheaters or duplicate entries. A higher level may include more in-depth IP checks, browser fingerprinting, and other fraud detection mechanisms.

    VPN Usage Policy

    • Allow VPNs: VPNs can be used for legitimate privacy protection by users but can also be exploited to submit fraudulent contest entries. Determine your policy on VPN use:
    • Yes/No: Select “Yes” to allow entries from users connected through VPN services or “No” to block them.

    Country Restrictions

    You have the option to restrict contest entry based on geographic location. Read the:

    Full documentation on the geo-location settings


    Remember, while provides tools to enhance the security and fairness of your contest, no system can be 100% foolproof against all types of fraudulent activity. Continuous monitoring and adjustments to your security settings may be necessary to address any issues as they arise during the contest.

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