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    Setting Up a Verification Email for Your Contest

    When running a contest, it’s important to ensure that the participants’ email addresses are valid. ViralKit allows you to send a verification email to users as part of the entry process. This feature enhances the security of your contest by preventing fraudulent entries and ensures that your communications reach actual participants. Below are the steps to set up a verification email with customizable merge tags.

    Open the Email Verification Settings

    First navigate to create a new contest or edit an existing one. Then click “Yes” for the Require users to verify their email option. Then click the Open Verification Email Settings button.

    To configure the verification email:

    1. Navigate to the Email Settings tab within your contest dashboard.
    2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Email Subject: Enter the subject line for the email. For instance, “Please Verify Your Email”.
    • Email From: This should be an official email address that participants can recognize, like [email protected].
    • Name From: The name that will appear as the sender, typically your company or contest name, such as “ViralKit”.
    • Email Reply To: Specify an email address where participants can send their queries, often the same as the “Email From” address.

    Customizing the Email Body with Merge Tags

    The body of your verification email can be personalized using merge tags. These tags automatically pull in relevant information for each participant.

    • Hello [FIRST_NAME]!: This tag personalizes the email by addressing the participant by their first name.
    • Here is your verification code for [CONTEST_NAME]: Includes the name of your contest.
    • [VERIFICATION_CODE]: Inserts the unique 6-digit verification code that the user needs to enter on the contest page.
    • Please enter the code into the contest here: [CONTEST_LINK]: Provides a direct link to the contest page where they can enter the verification code.

    Merge Tags

    Merge tags allow you to tailor your verification email with specific participant details. Here are the tags available for customization:

    • [FIRST_NAME]: The participant’s first name.
    • [LAST_NAME]: The participant’s last name.
    • [EMAIL]: The participant’s email address.
    • [CONTEST_NAME]: The name of your contest.
    • [VERIFICATION_CODE]: A unique code sent to the participant.
    • [CONTEST_LINK]: A direct link to your contest page.

    Finalizing Your Email

    After you have customized the email body with the appropriate merge tags:

    1. Review the content for clarity and accuracy.
    2. Ensure that the merge tags correspond correctly to the information you want to include.
    3. Click “Save Settings” to apply the changes.

    Now, when a participant enters your contest, they will receive an email prompting them to verify their email address. This step is crucial in maintaining the integrity of your contest and ensuring that the engagement is genuine.

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