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    How to Randomly Select a Winner with ViralKit

    Choosing a winner is perhaps the most exciting part of hosting a contest. With, this process is made transparent, fair, and straightforward. If you’re ready to find out who the lucky participants are, follow our guide below to seamlessly select and announce your winners.

    1. Navigate to the “Entries” Section

    • Begin by logging into your account.
    • Click on Create New Contest or from your dashboard locate the contest you want to draw winners for.
    • Click on the “Entries” section. Here, you’ll see a list of all the participants who’ve entered your contest, along with their submission details.

    2. Initiate the Random Draw

    • Within the “Entries” section, you’ll find a button labeled “Randomly Draw Winners.” Click on it.
    • A prompt will appear, asking you how many winners you’d like to select. Depending on your contest rules, you can select one or multiple winners at this stage.

    Set your custom conditions

    You can assign a specific prize to a user.

    You can require a minimum amount of entries. Or, you can also set a maximum amount of entries.

    You can even pick users based on the order in which they entered. For example: you can set a filter to only pick from the first 500 people who entered the contest. Or, you can can set it must user’s 501 through 25,000.

    Additionally, you can require user’s to have completed certain entry methods.

    Perhaps the coolest part of all is that you can combine all of these filters. There’s no limit to the complexity in the way to randomly select your winners. The sky’s the limit!

    3. Verify the Selected Entries

    Now, it’s essential to ensure that the selected winners adhered to the contest rules:

    • Browse through their entries and confirm they meet all the criteria set for the contest. This might include checking if they followed all the necessary steps, such as liking a post, sharing content, or tagging friends.
    • If you find any discrepancies or rule violations in a winner’s entry, you have the option to disqualify them.

    4. Disqualifying Entries and Picking New Winners

    In the event that a selected winner doesn’t meet the contest criteria:

    • Choose the disqualify option for that particular entry.
    • Once disqualified, you can then return to the “Randomly Draw Winners” button and initiate the process again to select a new winner.

    5. Contacting the Winners

    Upon finalizing your winners:

    • Reach out to them through the contact details they provided during the contest entry. This could be an email address, phone number, or any other method they’ve shared.
    • Coordinate with the winners to make arrangements for prize distribution. Depending on the nature of the prize, this could involve shipping physical items, transferring digital rewards, or arranging in-person pickups.

    6. Announce the Winners (Optional)

    Once you’ve made contact and confirmed the winners, consider announcing them on your website, social media, or any other platform you used to host the contest. This not only adds an element of trust and transparency to your contests but also generates excitement for future events.


    Selecting and announcing winners with is an uncomplicated process that ensures fairness and transparency. Remember to always adhere to your contest rules and terms during the winner selection process, and keep the lines of communication open with your participants. With these steps in place, you’re all set to wrap up a successful contest and make someone’s day!

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